Publications internationales avec comité de lecture
[WAC_06b]![]() |
Meaningful electronic signatures based on an automatic indexing method |
Maxime Wack, Ahmed Nait-Sidi-Moh, Sid Lamrous, Nathanaël Cottin | |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law, 11 pages
Springer, 2006 ISSN 0924-8463 (print), ISSN 1572-8382 (online) |
Legal information certification and secured storage combined with documents electronic signature are of great interest when digital documents security and conservation are in concern. Therefore, these new and evolving technologies offer powerful abilities, such as identification, authentication and certification. The latter contribute to increase the global security of legal digital archives conservation and access. However, currently used cryptographic and hash coding concepts cannot intrinsically enclose cognitive information about both the signer and the signed content. Indeed, an evolution of these technologies may be necessary to achieve full text researches within hundreds or thousands of electronically signed documents. This article aims at describing a possible model along with associated processes to create and make use of these new kinds of electronic signatures called "meaningful electronic signatures". |
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Certification et Archivage Légal de Dossiers Numériques |
Maxime Wack, Bernard Mignot, Nathanaël Cottin, Abdellah ElMoudni | |
Document Numérique, Volume 6 n°1-2, pp.145-158
HERMES LAVOISIER, 2002 ISBN 3-540-25863-9 |
La certification et l'archivage légal des données alliés à la signature électronique des documents ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives à la sécurisation des documents. Ainsi, ces technologies offrent des capacités : d'identification, d'authentification, de certification qui concourent à la capacité globale d'archivage sécurisé des dossiers numériques. Cependant, il apparaît que la certification et la signature électronique ne répondent pas complètement aux besoins des entreprises en ce qui concerne l'authentification et le stockage des données sécurisées. Dans la suite de cet article, nous proposons une solution à ces problèmes. |
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Cooperative Navigation in Multimedia Systems |
Maxime Wack, Nathanaël Cottin, Rachid Bouyekhf | |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2490, pp.472-483
Springer, July, 2002 |
The emergence of the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC), and the development of new tools open some perspectives for multimedia application design. In this paper we propose a graphical model of cooperative navigation of the multimedia applications. The model is based on the distinction between public and private areas. We use Petri nets to model several patterns which allow to build a complete navigation process. An example is worked out to illustrate the proposed approach. |
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Distributed Object Oriented Applications Supervision |
Nathanaël Cottin, Jaafar Gaber, Oumaya Baala, Maxime Wack | |
Studia Informatica Universalis, pp.134-147
SUGER, 2001 |
Distributed object-oriented computing allows efficient use of the Network Of Workstations (NOW) paradigm. However, the underlying middlewares used to develop and deploy such applications do not provide developers with any standard supervision mechanism so that they know exactly what happens during their applications execution. This paper analyzes distributed CORBA and JAVA-based applications to point out functional and management supervision information which has to be gathered from the objects. Developers will use this information to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) of their distributed object-oriented applications (DOA). Our framework is based on a CORBA service which uses our supervision API. This supervision service is composed of agents running on supervised computers. They interact with managed objects to perform local supervision measurements. These measurements may then be used to determine supervision indicators such as objects membership and computers exclusion degrees. |
Communications internationales avec comité de lecture
[COT_11a]![]() |
Glycaemia Regulation Predictive Control Systems Performances Evaluation - A Comparative Study of Neural and Mathematical Models |
Nathanaël Cottin, Olivier Grunder, Abdellah ElMoudni | |
International Conference on Health Informatics (BIOSTEC HEALTHINF'11), electronic version only, pp.525-528
January 26-29, 2011 Rome, Italy |
Type 1 blood glucose regulation remains a complex problem to simulate. Different blood glucose control schemes for insulin-dependent diabetes therapies and systems have been proposed in the literature. This article presents an adaptative predictive control system for glycaemia regulation based on feedforward Artificial Neural Networks trained with the resilient propagation (RPROP) method. Experiments performed on a mathematical (theoretical) compensation model and our system aim to objectively compare the behaviour of each approach when both exact and perturbated data are presented. These experiments, which make use of a virtual patient, not only cover the ANN's best configuration and training parameters on exact training information, they also demonstrate the accuracy of the neural approach when up to 20% perturbated data are supplied. As a result of the experiments on perturbated data, the neural approach gives slightly better evaluations than the theoretical model. This demonstrates the neural system's ability to adapt to perturbated environments. |
[COT_10a]![]() |
SAVE TIME: a Smart Vehicle Traffic Information System |
Nathanaël Cottin, Christophe Dumez, Maxime Wack, Jaafar Gaber | |
8th ENIM/IFAC International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MOSIM'10), electronic version only, 10 pages
May 10-12, 2010 Hammamet, Tunisia |
This article introduces SAVE TIME, a SmArt VEhicle Traffic InforMation systEm designed to overcome current vehicles guidance limitations due to traffic information and routes planning shortcomings. This informative system contributes to safer driving conditions in collecting, elaborating and disseminating real-time local traffic information. Different architectural designs based on specialized Location-Based Services and Spatial Registries are proposed and discussed. |
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Dynamic Registration and Discovery of Location-Based Services Using Spatial Registries |
Nathanaël Cottin, Maxime Wack | |
ACM International Conference on Pervasive Services (ACM ICPS'09), electronic version only, 6 pages
July 13-17, 2009 London, UK |
Service-Oriented Architectures rely on services cooperation to answer requesters' needs. Services invocation requires access points, such as Internet URLs, provided by specific services called registries. Traditional registries allow to register (advertise) services and provide requesters with suitable services' binding information. However, these registries are not designed to take a particular concern about Location-Based Services (LBSs). LBSs' discovery must be strongly related to requesters' provided geographical locations as well as LBSs' coverage areas which define LBSs' geographical limits of action. This work introduces Spatial Registries, a new type of registries specialized in LBSs' registration and discovery. Spatial Registries' operations on LBSs registration and discovery are described. Different architectural designs and security issues related to Spatial Registries are also discussed. |
[RIE_04a]![]() |
Signatures électroniques multiples |
Damien Rieupet, Maxime Wack, Nathanaël Cottin | |
22nd congrès INFORSID, Atelier Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, pp.15-35
May 25-28, 2004 Biarritz, France |
La certification et l'archivage légal des données, alliée à la signature électronique des documents, ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives à la sécurisation des documents. Ainsi, ces technologies offrent des capacités : d'identification, d'authentification, de certification qui concourent à la capacité globale d'archivage sécurisé des données numériques. Cependant, il apparaît qu'une signature électronique simple ne répond pas complètement aux besoins des entreprises. En effet, des types de signatures plus évolués (co-signature, sur-signature...) peuvent se révéler nécessaires pour signer et valider un document. Dans la suite de cet article, nous proposons une description, une modélisation ainsi que des procédures pour réaliser ces signatures. |
[COT_03c]![]() |
Time-stamping Electronic Documents and Signatures |
Nathanaël Cottin, Maxime Wack, Abdelaziz Sehili | |
ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and applications (AICCSA'03), electronic version only, 8 pages
July 14-18, 2003 Gammarth, Tunisia |
Time-stamping becomes a vital component of the emerging electronic business infrastructures. The main goal is to provide users with time management and - possibly signed- electronic content protection. We address in this article the purpose and usage of time-stamps on electronic documents and electronic signatures. A discussion is opened on the effective need of time-stamping electronic signatures through the study of two time-stamping technologies. |
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Contribution à la validation des signatures électroniques dans le temps |
Nathanaël Cottin, Maxime Wack, Abdelaziz Sehili | |
2nd rencontre francophone sur Sécurité et Architectures Réseaux (SAR'03), pp.???
June 30-July 4, 2003 Nancy, France |
Les infrastructures à clé publique supportant la signature électronique proposent des services de gestion des certificats associés aux signataires. L'octroi du label "environnement sécurisé de signature" fait non seulement appel au système physique de stockage des informations de signature (clés, certificats) mais également aux applications faisant usage de ces informations ainsi qu'aux éventuelles connexions avec l'extérieur (LAN, WAN, Internet). Les applicatifs proposés aux clients doivent utiliser correctement les services de ces infrastructures afin d'authentifier et valider ces signatures. Nous nous intéressons à l'étude des principaux moyens de validation automatique des signatures électroniques et particulièrement la liste de révocation, le protocole OCSP, la signature à long terme ETSI et la notarisation électronique via le certificat de validité. |
[COT_03a] | La signature électronique dans les systèmes répartis : proposition de modèle |
Nathanaël Cottin | |
2nd Colloque International sur les Multimédias, l'Archivage légal, la Dématérialisation de documents et la Signature électronique (CIMADS'03), electronic version only, 12 pages (slides)
June 12-13, 2003 Yverdon-Les-Bains, Swiss |
No abstract available |
[MON_01a] | L'archivage légal : un moyen de sécurisation de la qualité industrielle |
Jean-Claude Monnier, Maxime Wack, Nathanaël Cottin, Bernard Mignot | |
December 12-14, 2001 Belfort, France |
No abstract available |
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Authentication and entreprise secured data storage |
Nathanaël Cottin, Bernard Mignot, Maxime Wack | |
8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies on Factory Automation (ETFA'01), Volume 2, pp.245-252 (invited paper)
December 12-14, 2001 Antibes – Juan Les Pins, France |
Data certification and digital signature are a new area of interest and many standards have emerged. Indeed, these technologies offer identification, authentication and non-repudiation capabilities during Internet transactions (emails and e-commerce). However, it appears that both certification and digital signature do not completely answer enterprise data authentication and secured data storage needs. We submit a proposition of an authorities-based architecture to answer these issues. This architecture relies on most of the available standards. |
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Management and QoS in Distributed Systems |
Nathanaël Cottin, Oumaya Baala, Jaafar Gaber, Maxime Wack | |
IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'00), Volume III, pp.1585-1588
CSREA Press, June 26-29, 2000 Las Vegas, Nevada |
Recent emerging of advanced networking technologies (IPv6, ATM, FastEthernet) together with the development of Internet technologies and distributed computing such as World Wide Web, Java and CORBA have the goal of offering heterogeneous services to users across various geographical and network boundaries. Consequently, many innovations in developing and adopting such emerged technologies are needed to guarantee the Quality of Service (QoS) in real-time distributed applications. An environment called Distributed Objects Management Protocol (DOMP) is defined to supervise and manage real-time distributed applications in order to improve their QoS. |
[WAC_06a] | Procédé de signatures signifiantes à base de mots clefs |
Maxime Wack, Ahmed Nait Sidi Moh, Sid Lamrous, Nathanaël Cottin | |
Office européen des brevets, Patentlaan 22280 HV Rijswiijk (ZH)
n°0700847, 2006 |
[WAC_02a] | Procédé d'apposition en ligne d'une pluralité de signatures numériques sur un document électronique |
Maxime Wack, Bernard Mignot, Jean-Claude Monnier, Steve Gontard, Nathanaël Cottin | |
Office européen des brevets, Patentlaan 22280 HV Rijswiijk (ZH)
n°01440334.9-2212, October 4, 2001 |
[MON_02b] | Etiquette électronique antivol |
Jean-Claude Monnier, Nathanaël Cottin, Bernard Hansz, Bernard Mignot, Maxime Wack, Moez Souabni | |
Office européen des brevets, Patentlaan 22280 HV Rijswiijk (ZH)
n°02012075.4, May 31, 2002 |
[MON_02a] | Support de données numériques |
Jean-Claude Monnier, Nathanaël Cottin, Bernard Hansz, Bernard Mignot, Maxime Wack, Moez Souabni | |
Office européen des brevets, Patentlaan 22280 HV Rijswiijk (ZH)
n°02002306.5, January 30, 2002 |
[WAC_01a] | Procédé de dépôt d'un document numérique et de sa restitution |
Maxime Wack, Bernard Mignot, Jean-Claude Monnier, Steve Gontard, Nathanaël Cottin | |
Office européen des brevets, Patentlaan 22280 HV Rijswiijk (ZH)
n°01440333, October 4, 2001 |